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Competition Guide for Story/Sequence

Competition #5 dpi: A day in the life ...

Typewriter Keys

This year we are asking you to submit a story or sequence on the theme of 'A day in the life' - using between three and five images.


Your images will be viewed as a whole on a single frame - so that the whole story can be seen together - then all images will be viewed separately.


The judge will be asked to choose the best 'told' story

Present up to FIVE photos to convey your story:  (the ideas below convey a sort of photo journalistic approach which may your selection of images)


·  The Establishing Shot. ... Setting wider context

·  A Medium shot to focus on the subject or characters

·  A medium or Close Up. … what is going on

·  An EXTREME Close Up. ... Specific detail

·  The Pay-off. … a sort of punchline or summary shot - or in this case, the final shot of the day


The example below shows a story represented as a single Powerpoint slide

Betting Game.jpg

Entries and Presentation: 


•  Please size and send the individual dpi's in the usual way


•  If you also are able to send your images already set out as you would wish, as complete slide, please do so (black background).  If you are not sure about being able to do this Jill will do it for you.

•  You should have a title to introduce your story or sequence.

•  You may give each image a sub-title, though that is not be necessary




Any questions - just ask

Long Mynd Camera Club

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