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Women's Race


Five internal competitions are held throughout the season. Competition entries are welcomed from all club members in two sections:

Prints, and/or  Digitally Projected Images (DPIs)


Competitions may be targeted to a specific theme, or are 'open' (i.e. the author's own choice of subjects),


Members are encouraged to enter up to 3 Prints and up to 3 DPIs in each competition. These images may be colour, monochrome or a combination of the two - depending on any themed requirement.  Entries must be the member’s own work: only fully-owned images may be submitted for competitions.


SEND YOUR ENTRIES to  Jill Ming, Competition Secretary  no later than the Sunday preceding a competition, using the following address:-


Please familiarise yourself with the PDF 'GUIDE FOR ENTRIES(see below) before submitting images to the Competition Secretary


In the interests of moving your photography forward you are encouraged to submit work that is as recent as feasible, and ideally entries for themes should consist of images taken following the announcement of the theme (e.g. at the previous AGM)















Each competition section is independently judged and awards (points) made for First (6pts), Second (5) and Third places (4).  In addition judges have the discretion to nominate 'highly commended' (3) and 'commended' (2) images.  All entries receive 1 point.  At the end of the season the following Awards are made:


  • Overall winner in the print section;

  • Overall winner in the DPI section;            

  • The Photographer of the Year, being the member gaining most points in total, i.e. from both the Prints and DPIs sections;

  • An occasional Merit Award may be made to a member gaining most overall points but having NOT been placed in a competition.












Competition Rules 2021

Preparing your Entries


  • Maximum pixels are 1280 wide x 800 high



  • We suggest printing at either A4 (or similar - 10"x8" or 12"x8") or up to A3

  • The common 'competition standard' maximum mount size is 500mm x 400mm.


Max height 800 pix

Max width1280 pixels

Long Mynd Camera Club

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