New season starts September
Programme for Season 2023 - 24 to be published mid summer
Completed Programme Season 2022 - 23:
All meetings start at 19.30hrs - unless specified otherwise
Speaker: Dave Fieldhouse - 'Street/Urban Landscape'
Activity Night: Members Unplugged
The evening will feature a choice of taking part in the activity or remaining at the club for a simnple presentation. The activity group are to bring cameras with a blank SD or CF card. You will be set a 5 shot photo challenge to be undertaken in the town (c. 1 hour). On return to the club we will review all the photos to compare how the brief has been interpreted. Images MUST be shot in jpeg and shown as taken in camera.
Competition No.1
Subject: The Great Outdoors - print and dpi
Judge: Kate Maxwell
Indoor Workshop: We will have six 'table' workstations for people to experiment with composition, lighting and subject matter. This workshop will provide opportunities to appreciate the scope for low light indoor photography without the need for specialist equipment. And, it will encourage you to get to know your camera just a little bit better.
Club Competition No.2
Subject: Man Made - both print and dpi
We want you to portray something from the man-made world: architectural, mechanical, functional. You may have some ideas from the earlier presentation on urban landscape. This is a broad brief where the key is portraying something of our man made world.
Judge: Philip Dunn
EXTRA ACTIVITY: Thursday 10th NOV Advance booking and payment required
Night walk in Shrewsbury with Philip Dunn Exclusive to the club £20.00pp max 8
Speaker: Andrew Fusek-Peters. A Photographic Journey
Andrew is a well known local photographer whose journey in photography began with marvellous wildlife images from the Long Mynd adorning the Carding Mill Valley tea-room, to successful publications and press features. He is now an Olympus Ambassador. Andrew accomplished skills as a writer/poet brings even more colour to his work.
Peer Review: A club favourite where members are invited to bring along some prints for review and discussion around the table. Pushing boundaries and breaking rules is encouraged.
Christmas Social
Supporting our 'Bring and Share' buffet-fest will be some short presentations by members.
11th JANUARY 2023
Speaker: Darron Mathews - 'A Close Encounter with Nature'
Club Competition No.3
Subject: People (dpi) and Open Mono (prints)
People we might expect to see some street photography where people are either central to the story, or are 'elements' that punctuate the urban landscape. There may be performers, or workers, or more conventional portraits.
Mono is often overlooked - yet by portraying your subject in varying monochromatic tones, we can emphasise contrasting features to create prints with impact: landscapes, portraits, wildlife and much more.
Judge: A welcome return to Peter Gennard
8th FEBRUARY* (note: events for 8h Feb and 22nd Feb have been reversed since first publication)
Home Grown: an evening of entertainment provided by a selection of members
Results and showing of the Shropshire Inter-Club Competition
Club Competition No.4
Theme: Indoors (dpi) Open (prints)
The indoor theme links to our indoor workshop, with a range opportunities for table-top, still life, pet portrait etc. Also interior spaces, grand or modest may provide you with material.
22nd MARCH
Indoor Workshop: Studio/Practical Evening
We are hoping to bring you an exciting opportunity to photograph some small animals such as lizards/small mammals. More to this in the near future
Focus Cover Competition: members are given the specific brief of producing a suitable cover photo for the local Stretton Focus colour magazine. N.B. this should be seen as a longer term project with members looking to take a selection images across the seasons. Dpi's and prints for submission. Details of the brief will be online soon.
EXTRA ACTIVITY: Wednesday 12th April Arrangements tbc beforehand An 'extra-curricular opportunity for some practical work based on a local walkabout.
19th APRIL
AGM - the usual business matters, and all at no charge!!
3rd MAY
Club Competition No.5
Theme: Featuring an 'Open Print' section and your dpi Story/Sequence
Judge: We welcome back Bob Goode who nicely set the tone for this competition last year
17th MAY
Club Awards/Social
Review of the Year, with highlights and awards, and our customary social buffet.