Get Ready ......
Programme Season 2023 - 24
All meetings start at 19.30hrs - unless specified otherwise
Season starter: One Hour Challenge
Time to catch up after the break, and to introduce new members. Bring your camera (with a blank SD or CF card).
We will send you off in small mixed groups (including new members) on 5 shot challenge in town. It will be relaxed, informal and non competitive. On return to the club we will review the photos to compare how the brief has been interpreted. Images should be shot in jpeg (they will be viewed 'as taken'). Full guidance on the night.
Speaker: Richards Hainsworth
Richard is a great speaker and photographer, having entertained us brilliantly before. We look forward eagerly to his next presentation.
Competition No.1
Subject: Close Up (dpi) and open prints
An opportunity to get close to your subject to show detail that might otherwise go unnoticed. It could be a natural or man-made subject that entices the viewer to explore the scene.
Judge: Peter Gennard
Indoor Workshop:
We will break into six workstation groups. Each station will have a table top display - e.g. Food, jewellrey. Each group will have a range of lighting options and will have to problem solve the best arrangements for lighting their subjects.
Club Competition No.2
Subject: Colour (dpi) and open prints
This could be a predominant colour that creates impact in the scene, or perhaps a kaleidoscope of multiple colours. The idea is that colour is what stands out in the image.
Judge: Bob Goode
EXTRA ACTIVITY: We hope to offer a field based workshop on Astro photography
one night during the autumn.
Speaker: Colin Trow-Poole: Print presentation
Peer Review: A club favourite where members are invited to bring along some prints for review and discussion around the table. We will not be seeking scores/judgements, but pushing boundaries and breaking rules will be encouraged.
Christmas Social: Chairman's Choice
Supporting our 'Bring and Share' buffet-fest will be some short presentations by members.
10th JANUARY 2024
Speaker: Richard Greswell - 'Exploring British Photography'
Club Competition No.3
Subject: Architecture (dpi) and open prints
Show any aspect of the built environment, urban or rural, ancient or modern, whole or part structure or a single element.
Judge: we are likely to experiment with an in-house judging format (discussed at the AGM)
Speaker: Geoff Hall - Shropshire and Beyond. A review of our local wildlife, together with some records of the range of migrant visitors to descend on the county. An insight into the rewards of patience and dedication.
Results and showing of the Shropshire Inter-Club Competition
Club Competition No.4
Theme: People (dpi) and open prints
From formal portraiture to informal street photography, crowd scenes or an isolated figure, try to capture some aspect of personality or emotion in your subject. The people or person should not be incidental to the scene but rather the focus of it.
Judge: Louise Hill
20th MARCH
Indoor Workshop: another installment of our workshop programme: three separate activities will be arranged.
An exploration of some creative techniques to produce colourful and exciting abstract material
An task designed to improve our understanding of depth of field and the plane of focus - particularly important for refining close images such as butterlfies, insects and flowers
A craft activity demonstrating techniques for mounting and presenting prints - (we intend creating a facility to buy in some materials in order to share and offset costs in readiness for the member showcase in April
3rd APRIL*
AGM - the usual business matters, AND a viewing of a simple photo challenge (tbd) ............. all at no charge!!
17th APRIL*
Member Showcase
We want to invite members to showcase a small selection of their favourite work by setting up a mounted display. We will encourage a set of uniform criteria with the objective of being able to mount a club based display/exhibition open to the public at a later date.
1st MAY
Club Competition No.5
Theme: Your dpi Story/Sequence to the theme of 'A day in the Life' .... and open prints
Use 3-5 images to illustrate a day in the life - maybe your life, or that of another person whose activities catch your eye, a pet or wild creature. It could be a dawn to dusk sequence, or just a part day. Vary your shots to show close-ups and a wider view. Submit your individual digital images together with them presented in a single file (jpg or PowerPoint) to show the whole project (help available if needed).
Judge: We welcome back Richard Hainsworth to tackle this one.
15th MAY
Club Awards/Social
Review of the Year, with highlights and awards, and our customary social buffet.
* rescheduling of programme for 'operational reasons': reversal of dates for AGM and the member showcase